Soulver supports currency conversions. Here are some examples of how to do it:

10 USD in EUR
7.31 EUR
14,000 yen to Australian dollars
50 Euros + 13 GBP in USD
89.41 USD
(Examples of currency conversions)

Currency keyboard

Soulver's currency keyboard makes it quick to write these kinds of problems.

For example, let's imagine you wanted to convert 20 Euros into American dollars. Type 20, then tap EUR, then tap USD. The "in" is inserted for you.


The latest currency rates are downloaded from Yahoo Finance hourly.

Adding currencies

Not all currencies are enabled by default to prevent needlessly downloading rates data. To add a currency not in the list:

  1. Tap Hamburger.
  2. Tap Settings > Currencies.
  3. Tap + .
  4. Select the currencies you want to use.